(Lipstick- Sleek 'Pink Freeze' Matte, Nail Polish- American Apparel)
Just another quick upload, nails have gone back to neon for a few days and I've have acrylics put on thanks to Nehemiah Pearl Beauty Cafe (:
Unfortunately I wasn't able to capture the full outfit properly but up on my instagram (@mariapigeon), you might be able to see snap or two.
Today is Tuesday, and for nearly a year on that day I tend to wear all black hence the name 'All Black Tuesdays' although, I kinda cheated since I wore a bleached shirt. Anyhoo, the aim of the post was to talk about block/bright colours. It seems like a very summery thing to do but if you play your cards right you can pull it off all year round in moderation. I usually wear bright colours either on my lips or nails, that way it doesn't dominate an outfit, in fact, it can give it an extra 'pazazzz' LOOL.
Most definitely something to experiment with, hand on heart I promise it makes a major difference!
(Takeaways: Be considerate of your skin tone, especially with lipstick. Try to choose a shade that suits you for example I don't think, purple/black/plum shades suit me at all, so other girls who are my shade or close to it should take that on board too).
Just saying, shoot me.