Tassel Hassel

Lets get one thing straight, there is actually no hassle with tassels (it was strictly for the sake of the title as well as the intentional spelling mistake). Tassels are a way of life. You've already seen my other jacket in the previous post, but I actually have a few more tucked away, you just can't fault them. They play a major role in our society and I think we should respect that, I certainly do. *Winks*

Tassel's are the perfect accessory to dazzle any boring outfit without screaming 'Look at me I'm trying hard to look like a fashionista so that I can be noticed on social networking sites' because that my good friends, is long. As much as I sometimes feel like I'm not worthy to wear this jacket since it belongs to the real biker chicks out there; I bring it out on occasions because its too sexy to leave in my wardrobe to collect dust.

Yeah I cant remember what I was going to say, I'm currently on the phone as I type this post casually talking about Jordan 6's and googling images of them so my mind has officially gone blank.
All I can say now is that on the day I took these pictures, I nearly froze to death. 

 Leather Jacket- Beyond Retro, T-Shirt- Primark, Jeans- eBay/Topshop/DIY, Adidas Superstars- Schuh

Maybe next time I need to lock myself in a quiet room or even go to a library, then I might make a little more progress..
