So myself and 'Umps' (Representing Apparently Magazine) were invited to The Weekend Offender X Offender Film Launch Party. It was actually alright, not what I expected- we were told the whole cast were going to come but they didn't come *shrugs* I was happy that we got some freebies and met some really cool people (:
Got a bit brave and wore the skirt I made the other day, seemed like a hit, a lot of people thought I bought it from a high street shop.(GET INNNN!) -Oh and it wasn't intentional for me and Umps to wear black and just sort of happened...Yeah.
These are a few snaps I took from the event:
Not the most exciting post I've put up hahaha, but I just want to actually show you that I leave my house once in a while *hides face*
I'll go back into my cave now,