DIY: Turn Your Old Shoes Into Show Stoppers!

First of all let me *blush violently* I'm sure as you have gathered 3 out of 4 of my DIY attempts are literally trial and error, especially this one in particular...

Remember a few posts back when I told you I had DIY shoes on and I was going to posts on it because they were a shambles when I purchased them, here it is!
- I had NO idea it was going to work that's why I just took some crappy pictures with my iPhone so pardon the camera quality.

Unfortunately I cant do 'proper step-by-step' instructions as everyone's shoes are different, instead I will just tell you what I did and then you can take whatever point that applies to you and try it yourself (:

These were the original pair that I bought from a charity shop for £5, believe me, they're actually hideous! Kept them in my wardrobe for months, just didn't know what to do with them until now. 

The next step I took was literally cut the shoes apart, in a style that would suit me. At this point, they still look bad in my eyes.

 So at random I decided to paint the shoes...Acrylic paint is very good (although you might need a few coats) but if you have a better 'stronger' paint then use that. Also ensure you use a sponge and dab the paint all over the shoe, that way it will try a lot quicker and when it does there will be no awful brush strokes! 

This is the finished result, they are really starting to take shape and look much better.

 (Painted the bottom of the shoes too, just for an extra umph and to make them look 'tidier').

 This right here...I don't even know how to explain it properly but I sure will try. I basically cut the rest of the shoes/straps off and replaced it with spare fabric that I had leftover (from my Zebra skirt if you remember). Surprisingly shoes work very well under a sewing machine, so that's what I used to attach the fabric to the shoes, best bet is to use a zig zag stitch quite close together to make it secure and go over the area a few times- very tricky but worth it.

Well this is how they turned out!
(Just thought I'd share the picture again in case you couldn't be bothered to scroll down, haha)

If I were you, I wouldn't throw away my shoes just yet, its amazing what you can do with them.
